Our image of the week is from a very (in)famous prison.


Alcatraz, or The Rock, is located in San Francisco Bay. It has a long and intriguing history stretching back to the nineteenth century and earlier, but is most famous for the prison perched on its top

The above image is a classic image of Alcatraz from 1900, a military site at the time (source: UC Berkeley: Bancroft Library). The site was a military installation for many years, and included a military prison, although it became a federal prison in the 1930s, and would remain a prison until the 1960s.

Our second image below is a more modern image from 2006, and shows the intriguing island bathed in sunlight. And just looking at that photograph, it is no wonder that it was hard to escape from it.

Source: Christian Mehlfuhrer.

Source: Christian Mehlfuhrer.

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AuthorGeorge Levrier-Jones